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Trial lectures for the position as “Professor in sustainable business management and practice - for a transition to low-carbon and resource efficient economies”

Published 7 October 2016 12-13 October at the IIIEE On 12-13 October, three trial lectures will take place at the IIIEE for the position as “Professor in sustainable business management and practice - for a transition to low-carbon and resource efficient economies”.As part of the recruitment process for the position as “Professor in sustainable business management and practice - for a transition t - 2025-03-14

Third decade of EPR - What lessons and experiences can be used for light sources and other products?

Published 10 October 2016 Associate Professor Thomas Lindhqvist at the IIIEE opens the workshop On 10 - 11 October the IIIEE is hosting a conference with the title "Third decade of EPR - What lessons and experiences can be used for light sources and other products?"The IIIEE wishes to follow up the two decades of positive experiences in bringing together stakeholders and researchers around topical - 2025-03-14

IIIEE researcher Yuliya Voytenko gives keynote speech in Brussels

Published 13 October 2016 IIIEE researcher Yuliya Voytenko On Thursday, 13th of October, IIIEE researcher Yuliya Voytenko Palgan is giving a keynote speech at the European Week of Regions and Cities in Brussels at European Commission premises. Her presentation Urban Living Labs and Governing Sustainability Transitions in Cities will be part of the workshop on Sustained and sustainable economic gro - 2025-03-14

Dr. Charlie Wilson on Energy Transitions: Speeds, Characteristics, and the Benefits of Granularity

Published 14 October 2016 Dr. Charlie Wilson in the IIIEE Aula On 14 October, Dr Charlie Wilson from the University of East Anglia (UK), will talk about Energy Transitions: Speeds, Characteristics, and the Benefits of Granularity. (Download pdf here)Seminar descriptionEnergy system challenges require a rapid and far-reaching transition. Historical energy transitions have been both fast and slow. I - 2025-03-14

Third decade of EPR – What lessons and experiences can be used for light sources and other products?

Published 17 October 2016 EPR discussions in the IIIEE Aula Photo: Håkan Rodhe A lunch-to-lunch workshop on EPR – extended producer responsibility – held at the IIIEE last week, on 10-11 October, with the project funding from the Swedish Energy Agency, brought forward a number of important issues and challenges related to EPR design and implementation.The workshop started with a 2-hour open sessio - 2025-03-14

How to reach ecologically sustainable welfare societies

Published 18 October 2016 Professor Oksana Mont Photo: Kennet Ruona There is growing evidence that Western welfare standards are not generalizable to the rest of the planet if environmental concerns, such as resource depletion or climate change, are considered. A new interdisciplinary anthology by researchers from Lund University raises the question of what is required to make welfare societies ec - 2025-03-14

Trial lectures for the position as “Professor in policy analysis - for the transition to low-carbon and resource efficient economies”

Published 19 October 2016 26 October 2016 On 26 October, three trial lectures will take place at the IIIEE for the position as “Professor in policy analysis - for the transition to low-carbon and resource efficient economies”.As part of the recruitment process for the position as “Professor in policy analysis - for the transition to low-carbon and resource efficient economies” at the IIIEE, the Ac - 2025-03-14

New policy brief: Smart electricity meters! And their users?

Published 20 October 2016 Photo: CC BY D. Reichardt This policy brief is based on two behavioural economic field studies and informs policy makers how to make the roll-out of smart electricity meters more effective. Are electricity consumers irrational fools? They keep their devices in stand-by mode, forget to switch off the lights when they leave the room, purchase halogen light bulbs (instead of - 2025-03-14

IIIEE researcher Mikael Backman on biogas production at RENEXPO 2016 in Poland

Published 20 October 2016 Mikael Backman at the 6th International Trade Fair and Conferences for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, RENEXPO. On 20 October, Mikael Backman, Director of the Swedish Polish Sustainable Energy Platform at the IIIEE, is speaking about Biogas production on the 6th International Trade Fair and Conferences for Renewable Energy, RENEXPO, in Warsaw, Poland, which takes - 2025-03-14

Regional seminar on sustainable development in southern Sweden

Published 24 October 2016 Regional seminar on sustainable development in southern Sweden, held in the IIIEE aula in Lund. Photo: Marianne Sandberg On 21 October, the IIIEE hosted a regional seminar arranged by the Swedish Scientific Council for Sustainable Development. The council was established in July 2015 by the Swedish government to create an arena for dialogue between the Swedish government - 2025-03-14

Meet PhD candidate Sofie Sandin

Published 24 October 2016 PhD candidate Sofie Sandin Focusing on policy instruments for energy efficiency. Sofie Sandin started her PhD studies at the IIIEE in 2016 with her research agenda set on policy instruments for energy efficiency. Sofie has a background in environmental science and is a true environmental enthusiast who like to spend time outdoors, be it in the city, on the sea, in the nea - 2025-03-14

Two new PhD candidates have joined the IIIEE

Published 27 October 2016 Steven Curtis and Lucie Zvolska In September, two new PhD candidates joined the IIIEE, Steven Curtis and Lucie Zvolska. They are both part of the project Urban Sharing: From Excess Economy to Access Economy. We asked them five quick questions:1. How and why did the two of you become PhDs student at the IIIEE?Both Lucie and Steven are graduates of the Master’s programme in - 2025-03-14

The time is ripe for a life cycle review of LED

Published 28 October 2016 The time is ripe for a life cycle review of LED, say Associate Professors Thomas Lindhqvist & Mikael Backman. Photo: Peter Liljenberg Associate Professors Thomas Lindhqvist and Mikael Backman at the IIIEE have just initiated new research in the framework of the Lighting Metropolis project where they hope to confirm or dismiss some of the biggest concerns and speculations - 2025-03-14

"Reusing is better for the environment than recycling" says Prof. Oksana Mont in Dagens Nyheter

Published 3 November 2016 Professor Oksana Mont Photo: Kennet Ruona On 2 November, Prof. Oksana Mont states the importance of differentiating between the concepts of reusing and recycling in the article "Varje dag skrotas tusentals datorer i onödan" written by Inrego for Dagens Nyheter."Reusing is better for the environment than recycling", says Prof. Oksana Mont in Dagens Nyheter.Read the full ar - 2025-03-14

Trial lectures for the position as “Professor in sustainable urban governance - for the transition to low-carbon and resource efficient economies."

Published 8 November 2016 On 9 November, two trial lectures will take place for the position as “Professor in sustainable urban governance - for the transition to low-carbon and resource efficient economies." The trial lectures will be held in Palaestra at Lund University at 08:30 - 10:00.As part of the recruitment process for the position as Professor in sustainable urban governance - for the tra - 2025-03-14

The yearly award "Årets framtidsbyggare" is announced on 15 November

Published 15 November 2016 On 15 November, the yearly award "Årets framtidsbyggare" will be announced and a prize ceremony will take place during the evening. Former IIIEE Director Thomas B. Johansson and the Vice Chancellor of Lund University, Torbjörn von Schantz, will open the ceremony.During the evening the current IIIEE Director, Professor Lena Neij, will give a talk and share her view on the - 2025-03-14

IIIEE alumna Niina Kautto is soon on her way to Antarctica as part of 'Homeward Bound'.

Published 15 November 2016 IIIEE alumna Niina Kautto soon on her way to Antarctica. Former IIIEE PhD student Niina Kautto has been selected as one of 78 women travelling to Antarctica soon as part of a new leadership programme called Homeward Bound. It is a state-of-the-art leadership and strategic initiative that aims to amplify the influence and impact of women with science backgrounds to lead t - 2025-03-14

Advancing Sustainable Cities - Implementing Agenda 2030

Published 25 November 2016 1 December 2016 On 1 December at 10:00 - 12:00 the seminar Advancing Sustainable Cities - Implementing Agenda 2030, will take place at Malmö Live, Dag Hammarskjölds torg 4 in Malmö. This seminar is part of the Sustainable City Development Conference, 30 November - 2 December 2016.The seminar is arranged by the Lund University Urban Arena and will explore interlinkages be - 2025-03-14

Virtual meetings need support

Published 25 November 2016 IIIEE researcher Peter Arnfalk to the left. Article in Lund University Magazine In the latest issue of Lund University Magazine (LUM), a series of articles were published connected to the upcoming environmental action plan for Lund University. One of the articles was about Virtual Meetings and how they need to be backed up by the organisation in order to enhance organisa - 2025-03-14

Sustainable supply chain management is the answer to more sustainable food production and consumption.

Published 30 November 2016 Olga Chkanikova defends her doctoral dissertation on 2 December 2016. Doctoral dissertation defence on 2 December. Can unsustainable patterns of food production and consumption become more sustainable through corporate practices of sustainable supply chain management? Yes they can, argues Olga Chkanikova in her doctoral dissertation, focusing on how retailers purchasing - 2025-03-14